The bottom line – how much does a website cost? Well, how much does a car cost? It depends on whether you are getting a Lamborghini or a Volvo, the luxury rims or the base ones. Bells and whistles cost more, and it’s the same with a website.
It can be dangerous to offer a price before knowing what your business’ needs are – how will we know that you are getting what you really want? That’s why we prefer to discuss your website with you, and make sure that we’ve considered all of the angles before determining how much work will be involved.
That said, if you are looking for a basic “online brochure” site with a couple of pages, information about your company and the ability to manage content yourself, then we can usually set you up for around $350 plus hosting fees, which amount to a few dollars per month.
Uncertain? Just contact us for more information – we promise you’ll feel confident afterwards.